Local Funding Priority Areas

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Every year at our Winter Gathering, we vote on a priority area for local giving. Please submit any new ideas you have by emailing lisa@bcsfoundation.org by Friday, January 17th, 2025 at 9:00 pm. Using these lists and your additions, we will generate the priority areas for the vote on local giving at our next meeting. 

The Arts: Support for cultural artists, support for local artists, other

Community: Library/literacy, community pride, public internet, animal welfare, fund-building for local agencies or groups, other

Community infrastructure: Gym feasibility study, fitness center operations, water and sanitation, walkability, other

Early Childhood: Child/day care, early childhood services, preschool, literacy, other

Youth Services: Anti-bullying, teen mentoring, tutoring in schools, child abuse prevention, literacy, outdoor access for youth, cultural activities for youth, other

Education for Women and Girls: Anti-bullying and self-esteem building, career and job training, funding for internships, health/sexuality and birth control, healthy relationships, science activities and curriculum, travel for educational opportunities, literacy, other

Elders/Seniors: Mentorship, services and needs, elder rides, elder abuse issues, other

Homelessness: Adult homelessness, youth/teen homelessness, Project Homeless Connect, Housing & Homelessness Coalition activities, other

Food Security: Food Bank, food pantry, food security, food box or other related programs, other

 Substance Misuse: Drug misuse awareness, alcohol misuse awareness, other

Mental Health Awareness and Services

Parenting: Parenting classes, Healthy Families sessions and workshops, other